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Remigijus Pačėsa. Shtai

Compilers: Agnė Narušytė, Gintaras Zinkevičius. Publisher Šiauliai "Aušros" Museum Publishing House, 2018.

In 2019, at šiauliai book fair in šiauliai and Telšiai counties, the main prize in the elections of the most beautiful book is awarded to the book "Remigijus Pačėsa. SHTAI".


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The photographer Remigijus Pačėsa (1955-2015) is remembered by his colleagues as a “seer”. He had an absolute “hearing” for light. His photographs of ordinary objects and dull landscapes became infinite insights. He listened to the poetry of a worn-out city and the clinking of rubbish bins, and mocked the exalted seriousness of culture. He was always an outsider, distanced from the arts of fashion, defiant towards the bureaucrats, gloomily sarcastic, even towards himself. His favourite word, “shtai”, is the slip of the tongue: here, take a look.

Remigijus Pačėsa can be viewed as one of the first representatives of postmodernism in Lithuanian photography. The album contains not only his works: montages, collages, monotypes and self-portraits, but also various texts.