
The book "Stanislava. Secret mother of 100 children"

This is a book about a Nordic professional actress, public figure Stanislava Jakševičiūtė-Venclauskienė.

She was born in 1874 in Šiauliai, died in 1958 in Waterbury, Connecticut County. United States. Stanislava grew up in a family of patriotic nobility, graduated from the Riga Girls' Gymnasium, studied drama courses in Riga and Petersburg. Together with theater enthusiasts, she created the first Lithuanian play "Amerika in the Bathhouse", and she herself played Agota in it. In Šiauliai, Stanislava was known as "Mama", because together with her husband, a famous lawyer of that region, the first burgomaster of Šiauliai city and a member of the Constituent Seimas of Lithuania, she sheltered and raised about a hundred orphans or children of poorly living families, and rescued Jews during World War II.

The book "Stanislava. A secret mother of 100 children" seeks to present a lesser-known twentieth-century woman who was able to reconcile in herself the vocation of an artist, a socialite, a politician and a mother. The material for the book was collected in cooperation with the Šiauliai "Aušros" Museum, based on their accumulated funds about Stanislava Jakševičiūtė-Venclauskienė.

The book uses the "Open dyslexic" font adapted for dyslexia.


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The fourth book of the series "After reading, give it to another" is about a Nordic professional actress, public figure Stanislava Jakševičiūtė-Venclauskienė.

She was born in 1874 in Šiauliai, died in 1958 in Waterbury, Connecticut County. United States. Stanislava grew up in a family of patriotic nobility, graduated from the Riga Girls' Gymnasium, studied drama courses in Riga and Petersburg. Together with theater enthusiasts, she created the first Lithuanian play "Amerika in the Bathhouse", and she herself played Agota in it. In Šiauliai, Stanislava was known as "Mama", because together with her husband, a famous lawyer of that region, the first burgomaster of Šiauliai city and a member of the Constituent Seimas of Lithuania, she sheltered and raised about a hundred orphans or children of poorly living families, and rescued Jews during World War II.

The book "Stanislava. A secret mother of 100 children" seeks to present a lesser-known twentieth-century woman who was able to reconcile in herself the vocation of an artist, a socialite, a politician and a mother. The material for the book was collected in cooperation with the Šiauliai "Aušros" Museum, based on their accumulated funds about Stanislava Jakševičiūtė-Venclauskienė.

The book is part of a larger ongoing project , the series "After reading, give to another", designed to introduce you to the twentieth century. Parts of Lithuania's outstanding personalities, participants in unarmed resistance, historical events testifying to the nation's aspirations for democracy and freedom.

The book uses the "Open dyslexic" font adapted for dyslexia.




Danguole Gervytė

Illustrations and design

Jūratė Tamošiūnaitė-Karašauskienė

Language editor

Eglė Gudavičienė


Šiauliai "Aušros" museum, publishing house "Artuma"





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